Monday, February 13, 2012

A garden of lost children

Daddy said someone took mommy away... And he cried with my brother and me... Hoping she would come home any day... Wanting things like they used to be... Daddy cradled us carefully... In the place we called home... The now burned down halls... Where we cried and we roamed...
I dare you to love us... Your first born child... And the brother I had... Who laughed and smiled...
"You don't look the same daddy... What is so wrong... Where is our mommy... And where is her song?"...
I think I smell gasoline... Why are you so cold...Why is the surprise... The hatchet you hold...
You said that you loved us... But this we do know... Your eyes were so empty... When you hurt us so...
When we go to that space... Where other dead children Are kept in this place... A place between life... And their sad unknown... A garden of lost children... Who are never alone..