Friday, October 2, 2015

Did you hear their last cries ?


 We can only imagine the pain of those Christian students as they watched each other die  They answered  with truth the question of a deranged mind.

" what religion are you ? " 

 According to all media reports, the killer asked if they were Christian and when they answered 


  they were shot in the head .

I say to you that our Lord surely heard their cries and comforted them as they took their last breaths. How very strong they were to not deny their faith.  Perhaps their Christian background gave them some inner peace, we can only hope so maybe a  peace that so very few of us will ever know.

According to
Matthew 10 :33

"but whoever denies me before men  I also will deny before my father who is in heaven "

For those that lost their lives in his name and the families that lost those they love. May you be comforted during your hours of pain. We are thinking of you and sharing your pain on this very sad day.
