Saturday, July 21, 2012

The night when fiction became real and its horror

When they left for the movie that night they didn't know that the  "Joker" in the movie house was going to be real. He in all his brilliance was led to commit a horrific crime as the fictional "Joker" has been known to do. There was no real Batman to bring him to his knees before he was able to cause the terrible pain of that night on 7/20/2012  in Aurora ,Colorado, USA

Act one was indeed that of true insanity, a scene that left real bleeding hearts, some victims slumped in their seats and others that lie scattered along with their popcorn, and caused the real pain that one could only imagine.

A young couple with an infant in their arms believed they would have a night out before she was due for the next feeding, instead they held her limp body to their broken hearts.  And too, the pain of a six year old son taken so cruelly from his parents.  Many teens helped to drag each other out of the theater as their blood soaked lives took a twisted turn, taking their innocence along with it. Families and friends then spent the night outside of the theater sobbing as they awaited the final and worse pain that indeed their loved ones were part of this horror story,and part of the crime scene being investigated through out the night. So too we sob in our hearts with them for their loss, and we can only pray that they will be comforted in their grief .

Our God wants us to be merciful during these times and to forgive even what seems unforgivable, for us the common man, who among us can muster up the strength to be able to do so at this time ?  Is even the" Joker" in pain too ?

The brilliance of his mind that took him through grad school could have brought so much to all of us as a physician, then suddenly it became one of distortion. Replaced now by a grandiose fictional character of fear and violence instead of the healer he had hoped to be.

In addition to the despair his parents, and friends must feel, he like so many others that are led to these acts of violence; has once again shaken us to our very core.  Another  reality check on just how fragile our minds are. Once again we are reminded that even the brightest among us can drift into the unknown areas of  darkness and despair.

We can only hope and pray that families and friends can intervene in time to save others from the horrors of the troubled mind.


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