Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Just when you think.........

"Just when you think it can't get any worse, it can. And just when you think it can't get any better it can"

Nicholas Sparks

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Waiting for Irene 2011

Well it looks like the entire east coast is about to have an unwelcomed guest. Hurricane Irene.Government and state preparations have been most impressive. Evacuations and massive closing of roads, and with  infrastructure precautions including shelters and services are in effect. Transportation of all kinds brought to a halt in an attempt to lessen risks to citizens and damage to infrastructure.

It was easy to fall into the all too common anxiety mode,like buying too much food and the chocolate donuts that ordinarily I would pass by. But this time I succumbed to the feeling that I needed them as my comfort food. Along with a bottle of chardonnay. Why not be ready for a hurricane party. I love entertaining,but Irene was not among the guests I had in mind. 

Words to the wise have been spread through every possible media outlet. Now the long wait begins.

It is amazing how the possibility of pending danger brings life into perspective. Our minds are focused on survival mode for family and friends.  The petty day to day stuff seems small and insignificant.  Irene, a not so gentle reminder that in the end, what matters most to us is those we love. 

Friday, August 19, 2011

Standing at the border


Its not about politics its about people,families and most of all about the children.

Would it not be more productive to train communities to care for their own? By creating revenue producing jobs to educate illegal citizens themselves to teach the path to citizenship to other illegal citizens. With appropriate oversight and with optional  training in manual labor skills,those that complete requirements, including participation in classes in English.  They would then become citizens and be required to meet the  financial responsibility that every citizen is required to do.  Their failure to participate legally would remove any benifits from them and make them candidates for deportation.  Of course this is an oversimplification of a serious problem. The great disappointment is really related to intelligent beings failing to look out of the box.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

It's prayer that fills the empty spaces in our lives

Each of us in our time have had or will have those times in life when we have no control over a health crisis of our own or a family member. Just beyond such an event, I used my long standing coping skills and prayed none stop as I drove to the hospital. The pouring rain and darkened skies were an appropriate backdrop. On arrival, the comfortable rhythm of cardiac monitors answered my clinical needs, and the ability to touch, talk  and see his stability.Slowed my anxious heart . Once again the outcome being positive ( for now), is the answer to the rambling prayers that  filled the spaces of time.

As I leaned on the hospital wall. I reflected on a modestly framed hand  embroided quotation. The frame although slightly askew, had its own place in this acute care area. It was no less meaningful with some imperfections.  In fact one could see them as a simile for the bruised and battered hearts that were cared for in this facility.  It made me wonder just how many times these words when read, provoked silent prayers that then spilled into the rooms, adding to the healing and coupled the clinical skills of the physicians and staff. One can only pray.
" I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go"   Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, August 11, 2011

"Where ever you are-be all there " Jim Elliot

The turmoil of our times is real in our lives. Competing  forces sap all the energy from some as they struggle to stay afloat financially and emotionally in today's environment. This instability sometimes dilutes the ability to enjoy what matters most in our lives. That which is most important to us.Those who we love, those for which our heart beats. Protect your sacred places in your homes and communities. Shut out the world when it gets too much. Wallow in what gives you joy,savor it. It belongs to you.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

" Never, never, never, never give up "

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts."    Winston Churchill

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Spotlight on Diane Quinn

" When it comes to our wonderful pets,there is no right or wrong choice and there is no political party affiliation implied. Animals can co-exist in the proper environment."

"We have a lot more to learn from our animal friends. Perhaps if we all licked each other more and barked and scratched less,we would have fewer reasons to act intolerant"

 Humor  Politics        http://www.helium.com/items/828437-humor-politics